PNGTreesKey – Pinus oocarpa Schiede. in Schltdl.


Barry Conn (NSW) & Kipiro Damas (LAE).
Guide to trees of Papua New Guinea
Copyright held by the authors, National Herbarium of New South Wales, and Papua New Guinea National Herbarium

Pinus oocarpa Schiede. in Schltdl.

Linnaea Vol. 12:

Other Literature: 491 (1838)

Family: Pinaceae

Timber Group: Softwood or Plantation species

Field Characters: Large canopy tree or Small sub-canopy tree (up to 20 m high, sometimes to 35 m); Bole cylindrical (c. 25 cm diam.); straight (branching from near base); buttresses buttresses absent; spines spines absent; aerial roots aerial roots absent; stilt roots stilt roots absent; Bark grey, rough, furrowed cork; Subrhytidome (under-bark) red or brown; less than 25 mm thick (10 mm thick), 10.0-12.0; bark blaze with two layers (outer layer dead and corky); strongly aromatic; resinous/linament-like or pine-like; outer blaze brown, with stripes, corky; inner blaze white, markings absent, fibrous; bark exudate (sap) present, colourless, not readily flowing (spotty), colour not changing on exposure to air (except when dry then turning milky), sticky; terminal buds not enclosed by leaves.

Indumentum: Complex hairs absent; stinging hairs absent; mature twig indumentum (hairs) absent.

Leaves: Leaves spaced along branches (but on distal ends of branches), whorled (with more than two leaves at one node of a branchlet) (held out from branchlets, hence patent) or spiral (leaves occurring singly at a node and arranged spirally up the branchlet) (arranged in leaf bundles, with basal sheath c. 15 mm long, soon falling off), 3 (usually per bundle), simple (a leaf composed of a single blade); petiole absent; leaves equally broad throughout much of length (needle-like), 15.0-22.0 cm, 0.5 (c.) cm; symmetric, entire or slightly crenate, not dissected or lobed, acute, venation parallel-veined, secondary veins closed, not prominent, but visible, intramarginal veins absent (with 2-4 resin canals in median position - view in cross-section); leaves lower surface blue-green, upper surface pale green or blue-green, indumentum (hairs) absent; absent; domatia absent; stipules absent.

Flowers: Inflorescence on the trunk or branches (basal to current leaves), flowers on an unbranched axis, flowers arranged in a cone (strobilus) (male flowers in narrowly cylindrical strobili, strobili in clusters around base of young shoots); flowers unisexual, unisexual with male and female flowers on the same plant, not stalked, flowers with one plane of symmetry; perianth absent; stamens 1, absent, free of each other; ovary superior, carpels separate (when more than one), locules 2; styles absent.

Fruits: Infrutescence arranged on unbranched axis, arrangement of fruits present (ovoid or oblong-ovoid, symmetrical or oblique at base, often curved), cone 50.0-100.0 mm, 30.0 (c.) mm, brown (pale (often with reddish tinge); seeds 100 (2 per scale), about 10 mm long (c. 8 mm long), winged, narrow (longer than wide), seed 1-10 mm diam. (c. 4 mm diam.).

Distribution: Morobe (Plantation species).

Pinus oocarpa in
Botanical records
in PNGplants database

Map details
